Wednesday, May 14, 2008

the down side of cellphones

It is known the fact that all mobile phones use electromagnetic fields and emit radiations that affect the human body. Those radiations and the electromagnetic fields that surround them can cause a lot of diseases. Many people who use cell phones very often are now suffering from headaches, dizziness, disorientation, confusion or nausea and are complaining about earaches.Cellphones much like everything also have a downside.

There are negatives as far as cell phones go as well. It can be a distraction when handling the phone as you drive but you concentrate more when you can have two hands on wheel. In our country it is illegal to carry a cellphone whilst driving. It is recommended that you carry a hands free set.

Cellphones are a huge cause in road accidents, they play a huge role. There have been numerous cases where a road accident occured due to the fact that the driver was using a cellphone and got distracted and end up causing an accident. Increased reliance on cell phones has led to a rise in the number of people who use the cellphones while driving. There are two dangers associated with driving and cell-phone use, including text messaging. First, drivers take their eyes off the road while dialing. Second, people can become so absorbed in their conversations that their ability to concentrate on driving is severely impaired.

Cellphones also form a platform for kids to view and watch porn. Cellphones make accessing and sending pornographic visuals and videos very easy, especially for underage children.

In Universities cellphones are banned from exam rooms as they serve as a medium for students to cheat during exams.

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