Wednesday, May 14, 2008

cellphones and the global village

The world shrunk by communication technology to a village is the definition of global village by Marshall McLuhan.It is the effects of mass media on behaviour and thought.

With new media technologies such as cell phones the world has shrunk and become smaller. As technology is improving; parents, siblings, friends, can keep in touch with each other in an easier and better way, despite the geographical distance between them.

It is common practice for people to talk to each other and communicate, even if they are living on separate continents. This does not only, make the world smaller but also contributes to the phenomenon of virtual communities. These are mainly developed on social networks.

Cellphones have enhanced communication across all geographical borders. This form of communication can be achieved by making phone calls, sending text messages or communicating over social networks.
This brings the world closer to you and makes it easier to communicate with people who are beyond borders and oversees.

Communicating using cellphones decreases face-to-face conversations. The traditional way of interaction. Cellphones have revolutionised communication and interaction.

People can utilize the cellphone for various different reasons, banking and shopping, activities which required much physical activity in the past now require the user to only press a couple of buttons and things can automatically happen.

The world is inevitably changing and progressing for the better. Everything is just a button away. With cellphones the world is at your fingertips.

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